Matador Pigeon Feeds

Premium Supreme

Premium Supreme

More and more lofts find it difficult tot keep the results on top level week after week, especially in the second part of the old bird season. Hard races on a weekly bases with 250-400 miles can become a dissaster, when your birds are not given the right mixture for recovery and energy build up. Matador created a mixture just for that purpose : Premium Supreme

The new improved 'Premium Supreme' is the widowhood mixture for weekly 250/450 miles races with 2+ nights in the basket:

  • This racingmixture is easy digestable and provides a better energy supply with less waste.
  • Therefore this mixtures makes that your racers race in a more steady but still winning pace.
  • This makes that the birds are less tired on arrival and recuperate much faster.
  • They will be up and running for their next race in no time.
  • The added rice in the mixture will provice extra moist under hot conditions
  • The improved omega ratio will provide a stronger natural resistance and health


  • Premium Supreme is also very advisable for pigeonmen who spend a lot of time on roadtraining their champions.



Raw protein 15,1%
Absorbable protein 8%
Raw fats 12,5%
Carbohydrates 50,3%
Raw fibres 8,3%
Kcal 3551
Omega ratio 4,1 : 1

