Matador Pigeon Feeds
Young pigeons HOT
Summers are getting hotter and drier. Matador therefore adapted, tested and improved the existing mixtures especially for young pigeons, fitting for the changing circumstances; Young Pigeons HOT. One mixture suitable for youngsters from weaning up to and including the young bird races (80-350 miles): - Due to less maize in the mixture, less heat is developed in the body - The addition of polished round rice keeps a lot of moisture absorbed into the body. A balanced protein ratio ensures that the youngbirds remain sufficiently hard in the muscles. A mixture that ensures that the intestines work more efficient (intestinal peristalsis), the better the nutrients offered are absorbed and the less chance of youngbird disease.
Raw protein | 12,8% |
Absorbable protein | 6,9% |
Raw fats | 7,4% |
Carbohydrates | 59,0% |
Raw fibres | 5,9% |
Kcal | 3295 |
Omega ratio | 3,7 : 1 |